El European Parliament has approved new hand luggage measures to fly by plane. This issue has sparked great debates, especially since the appearance of low-cost companies, which They limit this type of packages more.
In fact, these companies have opposed the decision of the European body which occurred in October 2023. Some of them had their own criteria when it came to charging for their excess. And, in most cases, these were minimal volumes. Due to this, the highest parliament of Europe has wanted to put order in this matter by establishing new measures for hand luggage. Below, we explain it to you.
The situation of air navigation: current laws and circumstances
La Air Navigation Law points out that cabin baggage must be included in the ticket price. Therefore, it is illegal to charge for it (we will return to this point later). But maybe you don't know that that rule does not express neither the measurements nor the weight that must have. It is the airlines themselves that set the limits.
The situation has also become more complicated with the rise in the cost of aircraft fuel, which, in turn, has caused a increase in ticket prices. As a result, travelers try to find airlines that do not charge for luggage to reduce expenses. Not in vain, the laws themselves consider the cabin bag as a "indispensable element" to travel.
Even this different assessment of cabin baggage made by the airlines themselves represented, according to the criteria of the European authorities, a unfair competition between them. The diversity of criteria meant that they did not work under equal conditions. And also its resolution wanted to end this.
Despite everything we have told you, the European Parliament's resolution has no legal value. This is a recommendation that transmits to the Council of the Union so that he can decide what to do. If accepted, you will be able to take more with you on the flight than the typical backpack allowed until now at no additional cost.
As we told you, the airlines have already opposed the measure. However, if it is accepted by the Council of Europe, it may come into force regardless of its opinion. But, legal considerations aside, what will really interest you is to know what the new measurements are for hand luggage for flying by plane. without having to pay for it.
What are the new hand luggage measures proposed by the European Parliament?
First of all, we are going to explain to you the measures proposed by another of the most important aviation organizations. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recommends that cabin baggage does not exceed 55 by 35 and by 20 centimeters. Likewise, he advises that your weight is not more than 8 kilograms. All with handles, wheels and pockets included.
These measurements have been calculated for make the most of cabin space. In this way, all passengers can include their carry-on luggage without harming others. Therefore, if the package you are carrying exceeds what is stipulated by the company you are going to fly with, it can force you to invoice it at the warehouse and pay for it.
As for the figures assessed in the European Parliament's recommendation, they have not yet emerged. They will be known when the Council issues its opinion. In any case, to avoid being surprised, the best thing you can do is weigh your luggage before leaving. This way, you will know if it adapts to what the company you are going to fly with requires. But, as we promised you before, we are going to focus on the illegality of charges for hand luggage.
Is it legal to charge for cabin luggage?
As we have already told you, it is not legal for airlines to charge separately for carrying hand luggage. It is a circumstance that must be included in the cost of the ticket. Specifically, in his Article 97have Air Navigation Law points out that the airline is obliged to transport in the cabin as hand luggage and free of charge the packages that the passenger carries with them. Likewise, they include the shopping bags carried out at the airport itself.
Boarding may only be prevented from those objects that, due to their weight and size in relation to the characteristics of the aircraft, are likely to compromise the security of this. Therefore, as long as they are packages of correct dimensions, they will be included in the ticket price.
In conclusion, this is the current situation of the transport of packages in the cabin. It is assumed that the new hand luggage measures proposals by the European parliament will go in that same direction. However, as we told you, it is recommended that weigh it before getting on the aircraft. This way, you will avoid unpleasant surprises regarding the cost of your Travel by plane.